
My passion for creation began when I was around 5 years old.

My Dad came home from work with a huge box of paper and my mind started to wonder… what can I create out of this blank piece of paper? Fold it, scrunch it, glue it, tape it, staple it, cut it! How about paint, pens, texters or crayons? To my 5-year-old self, the options were endless!

Creating something out of nothing is what excites me and so the journey began.

In 2013, my journey at Design College Australia (DCA) commenced working my way to an Advance Diploma in Visual Communication. Throughout my two and a half years at DCA, I learnt the value of being able to communicate a message through the use of design.

DCA also reaffirmed what my 5-year-old self already knew but perhaps I forgot along the way – design does not start on the computer; it starts with ideas, and paper! The design process and exploring options through trial and error… that is what adds depth and meaning to any brief.

Figuring out the mechanics of package design really fascinates me.

I revel in drawing up innovative die lines. This, among other aspects of design – identity development, user experiences, marketing and advertising, and generally having the power to give any business a leg up in the world by giving them a voice and a message – is what really drives me as a designer.

Helping people is what I do. Visual Communication is my super power enabling me to achieve that.

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